Worm Hole: A shortcut through space-time.
What is a Worm Hole?
A wormhole (also called Einstein Rosen-bridge or Einstein Rosen-wormhole) is a theoretical structure linking points in space that are 'poles apart'. A wormhole can be visualized as a tunnel with two ends at separate points in spacetime. They are consistent with the general theory of relativity but whether wormholes actually exist is still unknown. Many of them might be lurking in space waiting to be discovered. Theoretically, a wormhole might connect extremely long distances such as billions of light-years, or short distances such as a few meters, or different points in time, or even different universes.
If we take the universe as an elastic sheet of space-time, wormholes are basically loopholes in space. However, if they really exist and we find them, humans are going to have a time paradox. This means that time travel could be possible. They bend the laws of physics, literally! It's so interesting to know that there may be something in space right now that will allow us to reach faraway places and possibly help us time travel. Some wormholes may be 'traversable', meaning humans would be able to travel through them. A few scientists speculate that Black Holes might be wormholes and the other part of its opening is called a White Hole. This could be possible but there is no evidence suggesting the existence of White Holes. So that theory rolls out.
Many scientists predict that we would be able to form our own wormholes. But the main challenge is keeping them open and not letting them collapse. This is particularly hard as we don't know what could be used to keep them open. There is a theory called 'String Theory' which states that a sting of anti-matter can be passed through a wormhole to keep it open. Anti-matter or exotic matter is the opposite of matter. As we know according to the Gravitational law, every matter in space attracts every other matter with a force. Anti-matter is the one that repels matter. So, in theory, we can make these anti-matter strings and keep the wormholes from collapsing. Every string will strongly push away the matter around it creating these loopholes in space-time.
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